The Secret History
“The Secret History” is from the album The Architect, composed by Kerry Muzzey and recorded by The Chamber Orchestra of London. This piece of music is Classical Orchestral and is 5 minutes long. Kerry Muzzey is a composer for films and music. This music is very sharp, intense and powerful in some parts of the music, while other parts can be soft, mellifluous, and piano. The contemporary variation, The Secret History, is about concealing a hidden secret. Because of how distinct each note can be, the movements in this piece also have to be sharp and precise. Besides the steps being precise, the facial expressions also have to match the music and movements danced, especially through the eyes. Throughout this piece, it is somewhat repetitive, and a few moves are repeated many times.This repeating step shows how something is being hidden and is one of the many sharp movements. Also, at the beginning, there is a wave-looking move, which has to be shown big, or else not seen. There are also many turns in this piece, including fouettes. These pirouettes have to be done nicely and softly. Each time the heel is lowered from releve, it can’t crash down and the butt cannot be out, especially if someone is viewing it from the side. One of my favorite parts, but also one of the hardest, for me, is the very last pose that wraps up the whole solo is where the leg is held over 180 degrees. For this to be held, you need to find good balance on your one foot. Make sure that you aren’t too far back, and off your leg, or else you’re going to fall off that leg. Stare at someone, if that helps, to also show the character one last time. This has been one of my favorite solos because it has some of the best and most fun moves in and throughout the whole variation. Performing it is very fun, and so is becoming the character.
Publish Date: 04/26/2020